Does this sound like you?

Welcome to Remotely for the Girls, where we transform the dream of a balanced, fulfilling remote career into reality. If you're navigating the daunting remote job market, feeling lost amidst endless applications and rejections, I get you.

  • We recognize the significant financial burden of securing childcare and the complex challenge of balancing your children's needs alongside your own.

  • Corporate 9-5 jobs undeniably echo the restrictive atmosphere of high school and college. I understand that you don’t want to be stuck for another few years in the same place. You want to be able to have time for that side hustle, traveling without time off etc.

  • I've walked in those shoes and truly understand the journey. After extensive research, countless interviews, and navigating through both the right and wrong questions, I've gathered the insights and experience needed to guide you effectively!

  • Regardless of having less than a year or over two years of experience, you can make a successful transition. I landed my first remote position with just six months of "actual" work experience.

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